Deal with it!”
This is a direct quote from my sister as she was handing me a piece of cake for my niece’s Justin Beiber themed birthday party and a piece of her mind. She also shared that she had already removed the plastic “sporks” from the table prior to my arrival.
Just another day in the life of the Eco-Police. In my defense, I don’t believe I am too militant about my my environmental views with my family. They do read my blog and my books and know what MeetGreen is all about. Thus, they are usually proudly telling me what they did to use the Earth’s resources wisely–without being asked. I try to live my life sustainably and not get into my loved one’s business. It is after all, their business.
Okay, I will admit one time I did go on a bit of a rampage about virgin toilet paper after I took a walk through a logging clear-cut on the Oregon Coast.
Then there was one time when I did make a bit of a stink traveling through Illinois and the take-out restaurant put my sub-sandwich in a little polystyrene coffin. Not only was it unsustainable, but the sandwich flopped around inside spilling its contents and would have been far better wrapped in a piece of paper.
And yes, I do often ask Starbucks if they have any fair-trade coffee brewed (hint: sadly, the answer is usually no, they only have it available in packages).
Perhaps somewhere along the line, my work splashed over into my personal life and I became the family Eco-Police. When you are passionate about your work, I guess it happens.
How about you, my fellow green professionals? Does your family hide the plastic sporks when you come to dinner?
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