Zero waste is a very popular topic in events, in business, and even at home. There are many innovative ideas out in the world about zero waste and how to achieve that goal. In events it can be tricky to claim a zero waste victory, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. This month’s #MeetGreenChat discussed this very topic and here’s the recap on what our participants had to say about zero waste.

What is a Zero Waste event?

The consensus amongst the group was zero waste means a 90% diversion rate.

What kinds of waste do your events produce?

The examples of waste at events included everything from food scraps to carpet. A planner looking at the whole event and considering where waste comes from requires thinking outside of the box.

What steps are you taking to reduce waste at your events?

Planning ahead is key to meeting your zero waste goals. It helps to communicate and educate your vendors, exhibitors, and the venue staff.

What are some challenges facing waste reduction in Exhibit Halls?

Planning for zero waste with exhibitors is quite the challenge due to compressed timelines of moving in and out as well as who the exhibitors choose to work with for their booths.

What are some challenges facing waste reduction in Food & Beverage?

Planning for food and beverage waste is a big challenge. As a planner you want to provide enough food for participants but not have food left over that will go to waste.

Have you seen any innovative ways waste is managed either through recycling or reuse at event venues?

Discussions focused around donating various elements of the event to local charities and organizations in the community.

Do you receive or have access to waste data from events you have been affiliated?

Have you attended an event where waste data or environmental data has been shared with participants?

Here are some great examples of where data has been communicated to the participants at events.

What are some ways hotels can reduce their guest room waste?

There are so many ways a hotel can reduce waste: re-usable linens program, water refill stations, and of course no plastic water bottles in the room.

How close are you to achieving Zero Waste at your events?

Achieving zero waste at events is a big challenge but let’s take it one event at time and do what we can. Every little bit helps.

The discussions on zero waste were very insightful and we all learned from one another. Thank you to all of the participants who attended this month’s chat! To see all of the answers from our discussion check out the twitter feed for the #MeetGreenChat.

Our next tweet chat is scheduled for March 6th at 11AM PT please join us! We will be discussing food waste and it is sure to be a great exchange of knowledge.