Just like in school, it isn’t always fun to share your report card. But that is what transparency is all about–no greenwashing allowed here. As members of the UN Global Compact we are required to submit an Annual Sustainability Report. We have just published our first which encompasses 2007 through July 2009. We have measured and reported on our offices, our travel, and our client events.
Here is a highlight of some interesting indicators which have emerged regarding the events we manage:
76% maximum waste diversion during an event
49% average waste diversion all events
23% average increase in waste diversion at venue during all events
1.5 lbs. minimum waste produced per attendee
4.4 lbs. average waste produced per attendee
91% of the hotels used have been able to recycle during the event
Overall, the total cost avoided by sustainability measures is $2,545,480. The return on investment in sustainable measures is 19.5 times. Just the facts–green meetings are good business.
To download the full report click on the link on our home page http://www.meetgreen.com/
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