This just in from Amy Spatrisano who is chairing the APEX Green Meetings Panel upon her return from last week’s meeting…
“The feedback from the APEX website, city discussion groups and the ASTM process is being reviewed (over 386 pages of comments!). CIC has hired a technical writer to edit and revise the documents, then final review of them will happen within the 9 committees (AV, Food/beverage, Communications, Exhibits, Meeting Venue, Destination Selection, Onsite Office, Transportation and Accommodations).
The resounding overall feedback was they were way too onerous. We listened and the standards are being KISSed (Keeping It Simple Silly) They are being cleaned up, simplified and modified to meet ASTM protocol. They will be re-balloted in late November with a goal of having them passed by the end of 2009.”
You heard it here first!
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