If your organization is considering sponsoring an event, remember your image as a “good corporate citizen” is on the line. In today’s world, adding your name (and money) to an event, means you are endorsing both the content and the delivery. Participants embracing social media will quickly tell the story if they see unsustainable practices occurring. Several recent meeting industry events have been taken to task for their use of black plastic plates, excessive signage and stacks of handouts.
As a potential sponsor, reduce your risk with these questions for the event organizers:
- Do the organizers have sustainable policies?
- Is the event being planned using green meeting practices?
- What are they?
- Are the results of these efforts being measured?
- Is the event being audited by a third-party?
- Have the organizers calculated the carbon footprint?
- What have they done to minimize the footprint?
- How do they plan to measure and report on the environmental savings?
- Will the media be alerted?
By asking this series of quick questions about green practices before opening your wallet, you may save your company from an embarrassing situation.
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