Request the meeting venue implement the following procedures and practices during the meeting:
• Minimize energy use by reducing the lights, power and heat/air-conditioning during move in and move out times in the exhibit hall and turning off lights in meeting rooms when not in use.
• Purchase green or renewable energy (solar, wind, tidal).
• Provide collection bins, facilities, staffing and training necessary to recycle all glass containers, aluminum and steel cans, plastic bottles, table coverings, pallets, paper (newspaper, cardboard and other office paper), and grease.
• Conserve natural resources by purchasing and providing all paper bathroom supplies with minimum 35% post-consumer recycled content paper.
• Minimize pollution and human exposure to toxic compounds by using environmentally responsible cleaning products for carpets, floors, kitchens, and bathrooms bearing a third-party verified eco-label.
• Minimize air pollution by cleaning parking lots, sidewalks and driveways without the use of two-cycle combustion engines.
If you would like to learn more about choosing a green destination, watch the entire webinar on the GMIC website
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