That is how many total participants attended meetings where MeetGreen coordinated the sustainability efforts (among other things) from 2007 through today. This statistic was gathered for the annual CSR report we are working on. I was amazing and shocked!
187,804 people influenced by attending a meeting or event where green meeting practices were in place.
- Where they learned why doing without individual water bottles and styrofoam was a good idea
- Where they first experienced they could do without lots of handouts and huge proceedings
- Where they walked instead of taking shuttles (earning prizes and trim waistlines)
- Where they reused their towels and sheets and complained if they were changed
- Where they stood in front of several bins and made the decision to recycle instead of send trash to a landfill–thanking us for the opportunity to make the choice.
We are just one organization planning meetings. Add to this all of the meeting participants you convene and those of your peers. Add to this all of the planners we know through professional industry organizations and all of their participants.
Never underestimate your sphere of influence!
Good job MeetGreen. You are leadig the change and making a real difference