We have seen it in the headlines, “Companies Announce Layoffs”…“Economic Crisis Deepens in Europe, Asia”…”Retailers Face Financial Woes…and now it is official. The National Bureau of Economic Research reported yesterday “the U.S. has been in a recession since December 2007.” And the stock market responded by falling 680 points.
There has been a lot of talk in the meeting industry about how we will be affected. Each day I respond to a new survey about what is happening with the meetings we manage. There is plenty to worry about. There are also plenty of opportunities for reshaping our world by not doing business as usual. It is time for creativity, innovation and a new model of success.
It is time for sustainability in meeting practices–economic, environmental and social sustainability. It makes good business sense…especially now! Today, Meeting Strategies Worldwide is releasing a white paper to make the business case for green meeting practices. The White Paper, “The Economy and the Environment:
One Solution for Two Meeting and Event Industry Issues,” focuses on five key advantages to sustainable meetings providing supporting research and statistics.
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