People and Planet

A Vacation with Intentions of Supporting Diverse Businesses

My husband and I recently traveled to the Paso Robles wine region in California. In preparation for this trip, we recommended that our friend watch the Tin City documentary about winemakers in the area. Amber, our friend and traveling companion, said, "The documentary was great, but where are all the people of color winemakers and [...]

By |2021-09-17T23:18:20+00:00July 7th, 2021|Blog, People and Planet, Q22021, Travel|0 Comments

May MeetGreenChat – Taking Action on Social Equity

Supporting people is just as important as protecting our planet. You can’t focus on the planet unless you focus on people. Thinking about people and planet has brought our team together to start the discussions of social equity amongst ourselves and out in our community. We have started asking questions of hosting organization on their [...]

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