Carbon Savings for Virtual Meetings

We know the carbon impact of events are significant. For example, a 1,000 person conference over just two days can easily produce more CO2 emissions than over 200 average American homes per year. In addition, both the sources and impacts of event emissions remain one of the least understood by either formal carbon studies or broader events industry. 

The carbon footprint of an event has become an important factor in an organization’s overall footprint. Considerable attention is being paid to high-profile events discussing climate change and the environment while flying in participants from around the world and producing lavish events with unsustainable food products, high energy demands and increased water use.

Organizations are now being held accountable. When the decision is made to present a meeting virtually whether for economic, environmental or health reasons, it is important to track the carbon savings associated with that decision. The metrics of not holding a face-to-face meeting become vital in telling the story.

Calculating the Carbon Savings

MeetGreen’s best in class methodology goes from the easily identified strategies for creating sustainable events to developing a comprehensive plan for success including zero waste events.

What if you don’t meet at all? Sometimes the better option is to convene participants online without traveling or gathering in one place while still having the benefits of education and networking.

UnCarbon Calculator Report

MeetGreen can quantify the carbon not produced by holding your organization’s event virtually. We are able to produce a report using data about carbon impacts avoided in the following areas:

A report will be produced to verify the carbon savings for your organization which can be used for corporate reporting, social channels and conversations with the media. We are considered the industry leaders with a measured, proven track record in creating and implementing successful events which reduce environmental impacts, maximize social benefits and measure the results.

As with most sustainable event analysis, the degree, depth, and ability of MeetGreen to report on carbon impacts will vary in proportion to information supplied. In this manner, with relatively few inputs such as number of attendees, general travel information and venue energy, we are able to model the footprint in very broad strokes. However, if we are able to have access to enhanced data such as finer details regarding participant travel, ground transportation, hotel room nights, and freight miles, our teams are able to take calculations even further, fully assessing each nuance of your unique carbon footprint.

There is no doubt convening people is important. How you do that in today’s world has become equally as critical. There has never been a better time to make wise choices.

Virtual Meeting by the Numbers

“Thank you for the fantastic analysis and graphics of our carbon footprint. The data was a “surprise” for our staff, and we got a huge reaction afterwards. Everyone was really impressed!”

Katherine Devine, UN Global Compact

Interested in a UnCarbon Calculator report? Contact us to calculate your carbon savings.