The ReFED 2024 Food Waste Solutions Summit saved 3,5388 kilograms of waste through its sustainability efforts. That is equivalent to the weight of 24 baby elephants! Learn more about the accomplishments of this sustainable event by reading the whole report. Read Case Study
IMEX America 2023 Sustainability Report
Justine Pretorious2024-08-31T00:12:36+00:00IMEX America 2023 is the largest trade show in Europe bringing together: 15,029 participants 3,443 exhibitors 4,201 buyers from 65 countries 92 press attendees from 20 countries Their sustainability goals included: Measure the event footprint Deliver net zero events by 2030 Make sustainability education to all Share what they learn and amplify best practice Give [...]
CleanMed 2024
Justine Pretorious2024-08-31T00:02:14+00:00CleanMed is presented each year by Practice Greenhealth, the leading membership and networking organization for sustainable health care, and Health Care Without Harm, an international coalition promoting environmentally responsible health care and advocating for environmental health and justice across the globe. Read the sustainability report to become inspired to make positive impacts in the world! [...]
ROSCon 2023
Justine Pretorious2024-04-22T23:12:50+00:00ROSCon was in October 2023 located in New Orleans, Louisiana. This three day event had 700 attendees. Highlights of the event: Used onsite badge printing to enable attendees to update their badges for corrections and print them which reduced waste. Included a diversity scholarship to give to 16 recipients the opportunity to attend this conference [...]
EclipseCon 2023
Justine Pretorious2024-03-22T21:08:46+00:00EclipseCon was in October 2023 located in Ludwigsburg, Germany. This three day event had 448 attendees and 18 sponsors. The venue is dedicated to waste separation and they are continuing high energy efficiency updates to continue their sustainability efforts. Highlights of the event: Single use plastic bottles were eliminated by using recycled glass bottles and [...]
IMEX Frankfurt 2023 Sustainability Report
Justine Pretorious2024-03-22T21:10:50+00:00IMEX Frankfurt 2023 is the largest trade show in Europe bringing together: 11,764 participants 2,900 exhibitors 3,800+ buyers from 90 countries 178 press attendees from 20 countries Their sustainability goals included: Measure the event footprint Deliver net zero events by 2030 Make sustainability education to all Share what they learn and amplify best practice Give [...]
SPLC Summit 2023
Justine Pretorious2024-03-22T21:12:28+00:00The SPLC Summit 2023 was a 2 day event held in Atlanta, Georgia with 313 attendees and 117 speakers. This event saved 151, 478 liters of water through it's sustainability efforts. That is equivalent to filling 502 bathtubs! To learn more about the SPLC Summit sustainability efforts we have presented their accomplishments in our sustainability [...]
CleanMed 2023 Sustainability Report
Justine Pretorious2024-03-22T21:09:44+00:00CleanMed 2023 was a 2 day conference including 87 virtual attendees and 670 in-person attendees. Their sustainability efforts included: Food waste & donation stream Reusable service ware Offsetting carbon emissions Plant-based meals by default Reducing plastic for name badges Virtual attendance to reduce air travel CleanMed saved 3,321 kilograms of waste through their sustainability efforts. [...]
IMEX America 2022 Sustainability Report
Justine Pretorious2024-03-22T21:13:50+00:00IMEX America 2022 is a 3 day event with 12,000 attendees. Their planning includes sustainability and they build upon these milestones every year. Here are some highlights from this event: 91% of all IMEX printed signage was reused, repurposed, or recycled. 19,499 of single-use plastic eliminated event-wide. 119 kg of event food donated to the [...]
ReFED 2023 Food Waste Solutions Summit
Justine Pretorious2024-03-22T21:14:41+00:00The ReFED 2023 Food Waste Solutions Summit saved 2,598 kilograms of waste through its sustainability efforts. That is equivalent to the weight of 18 baby elephants! Learn more about the accomplishments of this sustainable event by reading the whole report. Read Case Study