Environmental Realist

MeetGreen’s Top 5 Posts of 2021

We took a look back and here are MeetGreen's top 5 posts for 2021! Topics of sustainability, carbon footprint accounting, digital event gifting, net zero virtual events, and supporting diverse small businesses.  Hypocrisy and Understanding of Sustainable Living Approachable methods to digesting sustainability that will give you the tools and pep talk you [...]

The Role Companies Play in Sustainability

Change from Top-Down to Bottom-Up. We need both, don’t let corporate shame of personal responsibility distract from their impacts. So far, in my Environmental Realist Blog Series, I’ve focused on how we as individuals impact our environment. From driving and flying, to what we eat, to how disposably we live. If you’ve kept up, however, [...]

Hypocrisy and Understanding of Sustainable Living

As I’ve gotten older, my expectations of others have softened. After all, everyone arrives at the present moment knowing exactly what their experiences have taught them. I try not to presume to know: How someone has landed here. How their opinions have been formed. What makes them do what they do. I’m not always [...]

By |2023-06-12T20:02:55+00:00February 25th, 2021|Blog, Environmental Realist, Q12021, Sustainability|4 Comments

Lessons from a Midwest Upbringing

There’s something about growing up off the beaten path that makes a person oddly proud. Don’t get me wrong, as I packed up the van 10 years ago with 3 of my closest friends headed west, "pride" was the last thing I felt towards my hometown. I was thrilled to be putting the Midwest [...]

By |2023-06-12T20:03:36+00:00November 18th, 2020|Blog, Environmental Realist|0 Comments

What Environmental Realism Means To Me

I hope this series can, at the very least, open a conversation about how we teach and learn about sustainability. My First Impressions I still remember where I was when I first heard about the now-infamous PETA activist tactics. I remember thinking they were a bit extreme, but hey they made a headline and entered [...]

By |2023-06-12T20:04:20+00:00September 17th, 2020|Blog, Environmental Realist, Sustainability|0 Comments
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