Rethinking How We Meet…It Matters

The best place to start having a more sustainable event is often by rethinking the materials we use in an event. Rethinking how the materials were used in the past will save considerably on time, money, and the environment moving forward. Ask your team these questions at the very beginning of the planning process:

  • Is this vital to the event experience?
  • If so, is there any way to reduce the amount used?
  • Is there another creative solution that doesn’t require this material?
  • What are the cost savings by not buying, shipping, setting up, breaking down, and disposal?

After rethinking how it has “always been done,” organizations are making changes that impact their environmental impact. Here’s the latest list of cool ideas our clients have incorporated into sustainable events.

Eliminate Carpet at an Outdoor Event Build

The energy saved from “not-producing” carpet for just one auto race activation is equivalent to eliminating the emissions of an average car driven non-stop for an entire year. International beverage industry company

Reducing the Carpeted Area at an Indoor Event Build

Cisco Live took the plunge in 2022 and left larger uncarpeted areas of their exhibit hall than ever before. It looks great and is much less resource-intensive.

Reducing the carpeted area at an indoor event build

Tent Ballast Alternative Using 100% Soil-weighted System

A soil-weighted system includes eight bags filled with soil and plants serving to provide 6,800 kg of structural stabilization for the tent structure. The soil is donated to local communities after each race. It is estimated to be a direct water savings of between 4,533 – 4,725 liters per event. Premier European race event

Tent ballast alternative using 100% soil-weighted system

Rent Instead of Buying Equipment Such as Tables, Chairs, Tents, Etc

A large event saved almost 3.5 metric tons of carbon. American Multinational Technology Company



Swag such as registration gifts, bags, and exhibitor giveaways are either eliminated or reduced. Yes, even in the tech industry! International Open Source Software Summit


Ship Freight Using Biofuel

Staging, lighting, and production elements shipped via the use of HVO 100 biofuel is estimated to reduce emissions by at least 74% from standard fossil fuels. Milan Design Week

Staging Equipment

Future Proof the Event

Corporations and associations are researching, reimagining, and reinventing their events to make them more resilient in facing future obstacles such as pandemics, civil unrest, and extreme weather. Every client

*Due to non-disclosure agreements, we have changed some names to protect the innocent.