Working remotely and keeping your team connected can feel like a challenge. The MeetGreen team has been working remotely for a long time and its part of who we are and how we get things done. Some of our team members, who do go into the office a few days a week, were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. While not an abrupt change in how we do our work or how we do business, it was something we had to adjust to.

We already have been meeting via video conferencing with one another, using chat, and keeping in close contact while collaborating on projects. We are a close-knit team that likes to execute, have fun, and do something good for the world. This is where Charity Miles comes into the picture.

Our goal was to keep everyone motivated while we all worked from home, enjoy time away from the screen, to encourage getting exercise, and to give back to the community. Charity Miles gave our team the opportunity to do all four! In April we created a team walking challenge that promoted getting exercise, a little competition, and all the donations from our walking would go to Feeding America!

Our goal was 1,500 miles in six weeks, and we exceeded the goal! The team walked, jogged, ran or biked during April and May and in the end not only did we help ourselves by getting exercise, our miles were donated to Feeding America. We also planted trees in the MeetGreen forest in honor of all those who participated.

This activity was very helpful in keeping the team connected, we had fun, and we did some good in the world! It was such a success that we have started a new summer challenge that is from June through August to complete 4,000 miles. So, if you are looking for a way to connect your team, promote exercise & well-being, and give back to your community Charity Miles is a great option for this.