Our most recent #MeetGreenChat discussions were about “Sustainability Lessons Learned at Home, Work, and at Events”. We wanted to discuss the different ways sustainability can be integrated into our lives, whether at home, work, or at events. Large scale versus smaller scale environments or vice versa. Is it possible to implement these strategies and what are the challenges? The discussions of this topic were interesting and eye opening.

What sustainable practices have you seen at work or at events that you do at home?

What are the challenges to scaling it down at home?

What practice is too difficult to implement at home but you would like to?

What do you do at home that you would like to incorporate at work or at an event?

Eating fresh healthy food at home is pretty common. How can you plan an event that includes this on the menu?

At home do you change your soap out every day? How could hotels change this service for their guests?

At home do you change out your sheets and towels every day? How could the hotel change this service and get their guests buy in to participating?

Do you use disposable plates cups, or cutlery at home? If so, why and what’s a better alternative?

What are some challenges that can take place in sustainability when the number of people grows?

What are some of your favorite sustainable practices at home, work, or at an event?

The discussions were lively & interesting to hear point of views from a variety of backgrounds. We want to thank everyone who joined us this month and we look forward to chatting on 12/4/19 on the “Season of Giving – CSR Projects”.

If you have a topic you would like us to add to next year’s list of tweet chats please let us know.