IMEX’s approach is to encourage exhibitors to self-nominate, showing examples of how their booth promotes energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation and environmental purchasing. All nominated booths are assessed by an independent judging committee. The committee selects one winner for the award, which is announced during the Gala Dinner at the show. The Malta Tourism Authority won in 2008
USGBC’s approach is a little different. Exhibitors are encouraged to self-nominate and fill in a points-based scorecard for the green features of their booth. These booth features are verified by a judging committee during the show to confirm they are in place. All exhibitors that reach a minimum leadership level score are recognized in next years show program, receive priority points for their booth location selection the following year and the chance to win a free booth space. These incentives are very important as Greenbuild is a sold-out show. The incentives have been very successful, with 17 applications received in 2006 and 77 in 2007.
Both great models for recognizing exhibitors!
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